How to get tested, treated and vaccinated for monkeypox in South Florida

2022-08-13 05:01:40 By : Mr. changguo guo

Anyone can get monkeypox and the World Health Organization now calls the rapid spread of the virus a global health emergency. In South Florida, the state’s epicenter, interest is high in containing new cases, even as the numbers climb almost daily.

All it takes to get monkeypox is for someone with a blister to make skin-to-skin contact such as a prolonged hug, or sexual encounter. The virus can also transmit from shared bedding or clothing that previously touched someone’s infectious rash or body fluids. The majority of cases so far are men who have had sex with other men, mostly because the initial cases began in that social community.

But already the U.S. is seeing some spillover — two children have monkeypox. In the case of children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said they likely got the virus from someone in their household through activities such as “holding, cuddling, feeding, or through shared items such as towels, bedding, cups, and utensils.”

As of Monday, Broward County had more than 131 confirmed or probable cases, while Miami-Dade had 73 and Palm Beach County had 10.

People who get sick with the particular strain of monkeypox that is spreading do not always have the traditional fever, aches, swollen lymph nodes and full-body rashes. Many patients have debilitating headaches and only a few reddish blisters in the genital area sometimes mistaken for a sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis.

Some of the viral videos on social media are men who say monkeypox lesions are not only unsightly but also painful. The men complain of being unable to eat for days due to lesions in their mouth or having trouble urinating due to blisters on their groin.

The period of active lesions, when the virus is most contagious, lasts about two to four weeks, according to the CDC.

[  RELATED: With 5 monkeypox cases in Broward, community leaders host an emergency town hall ]

You can’t just show up and say, “I want a test.” To test for monkeypox in South Florida, a health care practitioner at an urgent care, clinic or doctor’s office needs to swab a lesion and send the specimen to a lab. That means you have to have a lesion to swab.

The test is processed at a lab through a polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R., much like those for COVID-19. Testing capacity has expanded in the past few weeks with more commercial labs participating rather than just public labs. However, the resources still are limited. With companies like Quest and Labcorp now processing tests, the turnaround time has improved and South Florida patients are reporting getting their results in anywhere from 24 hours to three or four days.

Duane Rinde, 57, an Oakland Park resident, receives the monkeypox vaccine administered by nurse practitioner Joel Ramos at Latinos Salud in Wilton Manors on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. (Al Diaz/Miami Herald/TNS)

The Florida Department of Health is urging anyone with a suspicious blister or rash to get tested. There is no home test for monkeypox.

If you have been in contact with someone infected, you may get a call from a contact tracer to advise you to be on the lookout for lesions and get vaccinated.

During a recent news briefing, a CDC official said the federal government hopes to eventually see a saliva or blood test to detect monkeypox but those types of tests are not available at this time.

If you get diagnosed with monkeypox, you will need to isolate until all lesions are gone. It can take up to four weeks until your lesions crust over and the scabs fall off.

Most people get better on their own and monkeypox is not a deadly disease. While in isolation, patients are managing their symptoms with over-the-counter medicines or painkillers.

For people at high risk of complications because they have HIV or are immunocompromised, doctors are prescribing antivirals, such as tecovirimat, or TPOXX. The drugs haven’t received the government green light to use for monkeypox so to get them, doctors need to enroll you in a clinical trial.

Dr. Bryan Gaudio, who just prescribed TPOXX to a patient with monkeypox, said he had to request the drug from the government’s stockpile, fill out extensive paperwork and get his patient’s informed consent to get him treatment.

“I was able to get him the medication within two days of diagnosis,” Gaudio said. “But I do hope we can cut down on the paperwork.”

[  RELATED: Demand is high as monkeypox vaccines arrive in BrowardD:  ]

Remember the long lines at South Florida parks to get a COVID vaccine when it first came out? The demand is strong for the monkeypox vaccine, too, but the vaccines are being given out by appointment in specific locations with high numbers of cases.

There are two vaccines to treat monkeypox but one — Jynneos — has much fewer side effects and is more widely distributed at this time.

Full vaccination with Jynneos requires two doses 28 days apart. Another vaccine, ACAM2000, which was designed to prevent smallpox but has proven to work against monkeypox, can have severe side effects and is not meant to be given to people with certain health conditions, including pregnancy and people who are living with HIV.

The federal government is releasing Jynneos vaccine doses to states from the national stockpile. At this time, it is only being offered in Florida to high-risk groups, including lab and healthcare personnel, and those who’ve been in close contact to people with monkeypox, immunocompromised men with HIV and gay men with a recent history of STDs. Health officials also are making it available to health providers to give their patients who may have been recently exposed to monkeypox.

Research suggests Jynneos may prevent symptoms of the disease if given within four days of exposure and reduce symptoms if given within five to 14 days. People are considered fully vaccinated about 2 weeks after their second shot of Jynneos.

The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade allows you to book an appointment for a free vaccination online at at the Health District Center at 1350 NW 14th St., Miami. On Monday, all appointments already were filled.

The Florida Department of Health in Broward also launched an appointment system at No walk-ins are allowed. This week, vaccines are being given out at SunServe in Wilton Manors and The Poverello Center in Wilton Manors. On Monday, all appointments were filled.

“This is based on vaccine availability and distribution from the federal government,” said Nina Levine, a Department of Health, Broward spokeswoman. “DOH-Broward will offer new appointments as additional vaccine becomes available from the federal government.”

Other sites that had been giving out vaccinations in Wilton Manors, however, The Pride Center at Equality Park, and Latinos Salud, have filled all appointments as well.

Robert Boo, CEO of The Pride Center, said if someone cancels or doesn’t show up, he tries to fill the slots with walk-ups. “We want to facilitate as many jabs as possible,”

Boo said appointments for second shots are made at the time the first is given out.

Care Resource, community health centers in South Florida, is offering testing, treatment and vaccinations for monkeypox but you need to make an appointment, be seen by a doctor, and fall into a high-risk category. You will need to pre-register at

The Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach is not yet giving out Jynneos doses in Palm Beach County by appointments. Spokesman Alexander Shaw said doses only are going to health care personnel at high risk of exposure or doctors to give out to patients with potential exposure.

“For those who do not fit into one of these groups, it is recommended to periodically check the Florida Dept. of Health website at for updates on Monkeypox vaccine distribution,” Shaw said.

Side effects of the vaccines can include mild fever, tiredness and swollen glands. Gaudio at AHF Miami says his only side effect was redness and itching at the inoculation site.

So far, the federal government has allocated Florida 36,383 doses of Jynneos, close to the amount requested. The state is awaiting about 5,000 doses from its allotment.

[  RELATED: You can make an appointment in Broward for a vaccine to prevent monkeypox ]

The CDC says a previous smallpox vaccine is 85% effective in preventing monkeypox. Routine smallpox vaccination among the American public stopped in 1972 after the disease was eradicated in the United States.

Some scientists have expressed concern that the effectiveness may have waned over the last 50 years. If you received a smallpox vaccine and are at high risk or had a recent exposure, health officials are recommending you get the Jynneos vaccine.

Sun Sentinel health reporter Cindy Goodman can be reached at