Microphones are breeding grounds for germs. Here's how to keep them clean.
The pandemic has shed light on our hygiene habits, and it's safe to say that many of us lacked in that area, more so than we'd like to admit. If you're a musician, podcaster, live streamer, or anyone who uses a microphone on the regular, this article is for you.
Microphones are breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria and viruses and, if you share this equipment with others or carry it around, pose a risk of cross-contamination. Pandemic or not, if it's something you touch and breathe into, it needs frequent sterilization. We whipped up this guide for those who need help doing so.
You can always purchase a microphone cleaning kit, but chances are you have most of these tools in your home already. Different types of microphones will require different cleaning routines, so depending on what microphone you have, you might not need all of this stuff.
Before moving on, let's quickly go over the things you need to avoid:
You might have heard of putting your microphone in the oven at a low temperature to kill bacteria. While this might be effective, do it with caution, and know that the lifespan of your mic will take a hit. We don't recommend it; rather clean it by hand yourself or send it to a professional.
We're going to start with the simplest one—the dynamic microphone. These mics are the most durable of the lot, so you can afford to be more thorough while cleaning them.
Depending on the model, you'll either need to twist off the grille or remove some type of screws. Once it's off, try not to touch the cartridge, and whatever you do, don't allow any liquid or moisture to get into contact with the cartridge.
Wipe down the grille with a wet cloth to remove surface grime. Fill up a clean bowl with lukewarm water and a drop of soap; you can use regular tap water for this, but if you want to be extra careful, demineralized water is great too. Dip in the grille and start scrubbing. Be gentle, and make sure you get into all the little gaps. Thoroughly rinse off the soap.
Shake off the excess water and place the grille on a dry towel, away from moist and dusty areas. It's crucial that the grille be completely dry before reattaching it, so leave it out for a whole day or two.
Depending on the model, your mic may or may not have a windscreen. Windscreens are foamy, making them extremely porous. Their jobs are to absorb gusts of air that can create loud pops in the audio signal, and with these gusts comes a host of bacteria and dust particles. As you can imagine, these things will get very dirty.
If the windscreen is attached to the grille, don't attempt to detach it, and simply stick to the first two steps. Otherwise, go ahead and remove the windscreen from the mic. This step is also applicable to windscreens that are bought separately and placed over the outer part of the grille.
Fill up a clean bowl with warm water and soap, and dunk the windscreen in. The water might turn brown, but don't be too shocked, this could happen if you've never cleaned your mic after years of use. Wash and rinse it thoroughly until the water is clear; you might have to rinse it a couple of times. Let it dry overnight.
For this step, you can either use isopropyl alcohol or diluted soapy water. Wet a microfiber cloth with the solution and start wiping it over the handle of the mic. Try getting into all the little nooks and crannies, but do not let the liquid touch any of the electrical components. Better yet, cover the top with a sock or something of the sort.
Condensers are a little different from dynamics. They're extra sensitive, and often don't have the same build. If the grille of your condenser can detach (not all of them can), you can follow the same above steps as for the dynamic. But be warned, everything needs to be handled with extreme sensitivity—the tiniest bump or droplet of moisture on the diaphragm can destroy it.
If we're being honest, you're better off sending your condenser to a professional to have it cleaned. This goes for other sensitive microphone types as well, like the ribbon mic. There is a way you can keep it relatively clean without risking too much, however.
We're not detaching the grille for this, and no water or cleaning fluids are included in this step.
Hold the mic upside down, take a dry toothbrush and gently scrub over the grille; if you hold it upright, dirt particles can get into the mic. And don't apply any pressure with the toothbrush, we want to loosen the dirt, not push it in. You can give it a final wipe-down with a dry microfiber cloth.
You can clean the body of a condenser the same way you do a dynamic; with a microfiber cloth, isopropyl alcohol or diluted soap, and a very gentle hand.
Lavalier mics and headset mics are sensitive, but there is a way to give them a thorough cleaning; the secret ingredient is demineralized water. Headset mics, especially, get very close to the mouth, so we recommend cleaning them regularly.
Depending on what type of mic you're working with, it will either have a plastic grid or a foam cover, or both. Remove it, wash it in soapy lukewarm water, and give it a thorough rinse. Leave it out to dry completely.
For this step, we're only using demineralized water and nothing else; no soap, alcohol, or detergents. Fill up a little cup with the liquid, again, taking care that you don't mix any cleaning fluids with it. Dip the microphone in and start swirling it around for a few minutes. You can repeat this step with a fresh fill of the water.
Gently shake off the excess water and place it on a dry towel. Leave it out to dry for at least a couple of days to ensure that every drop of water evaporates before putting the mic back together.
Use an alcohol wipe or a soapy microfiber cloth to wipe down the rest of the mic, which will either be a cable or a headpiece. If you're working with a headpiece, ensure to give it a thorough wipe-down, since the oils on our hair and skin love clinging onto whatever it touches.
Related: Yeti vs. Yeti X vs. Yeti Nano: Which Microphone Should You Buy?
After reading this guide, there's no reason to let your microphone harbor dirt and bacteria any longer. Cleaning them only takes a fragment out of your day, and working with a clean mic is not only good for your own health and safety, but also for that of your mic. This is your cue to grab some cleaning supplies and get to work!
MUO Creative Section Editor. Nolen has been a professional content writer since 2019. They enjoy all things related to digital editing and social media. Outside of work, you'll find them playing video games or trying to improve their video editing skills.
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