Preliminary Hearing: Suspect Charged with Killing Lindy Sue Biechler Held for Court | Lancaster County District Attorney's Office

2022-09-24 03:22:24 By : Ms. tenen glass

An East Hempfield Township man will face a count of criminal homicide for killing Lindy Sue Biechler in 1975 in Lancaster County Court following a preliminary hearing Thursday afternoon at Magisterial District Judge Joshua Keller’s office.

The evidence presented at the hearing was previously stipulated between prosecution and defense counsel and deemed sufficient by Keller to hold the charges over to the Court of Common Pleas against David Sinopoli, 68 of the 300 block of Faulkner Drive.

Assistant District Attorney Christine Wilson read the stipulation during the proceeding which laid out if the prosecution were to call witnesses, three exhibits that would’ve been submitted into evidence:

                -Exhibit A: Criminal Complaint and Affidavit of Probable Cause

                -Exhibit B: DNA Labs International confirmatory report of DNA evidence

                -Exhibit C: Cybergenetics confirmatory report of DNA evidence

A buccal swab from Sinopoli was obtained after his arrest on July 19, 2022. Exhibit B showed this DNA profile compared to the profile obtained from the right side of the victim’s underwear is:

-3.9 quadrillion times more probable if the sample originated from Sinopoli and one unknown person than if it originated from two unknown persons

-31 trillion times more probable if the sample originated from Sinopoli and two unknown persons than if it originated from three unknown persons regarding blood stain No. 1

-110 trillion times more probable if the sample originated from Sinopoli and two unknown persons than if it originated from three unknown persons regarding blood stain No. 2

Sinopoli’s formal arraignment is tentatively scheduled for October 28, 2022, at 9 a.m.

All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

MEDIA CONTACT: Sean McBryan,; Twitter: @SeanMcBryanLanc.

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