Two large clinical trials show increased vitamin D levels in adults during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was not associated with protection against respiratory tract infections or COVID-19As published by researchers in ‘The BMJ’.
It has long been known that Vitamin D metabolites support immune response Congenital against respiratory viruses and bacteria, and some studies have shown that vitamin D may protect against respiratory tract infections, especially in people who are vitamin D deficient.
Therefore, vitamin D has received much attention for its potential role in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, but most studies published so far have been observational and have shown conflicting results.
first essay The study was carried out in the UK between December 2020 and June 2021 and involved 6,200 adults (aged 16+) who were not using vitamin D supplements at the time of enrollment.
Half (3,100 participants) were offered a vitamin D blood test, and those found to have low vitamin D levels (2,674; 86%) received a vitamin D supplement of 3,200 IU/day or 800 IU/day for six months. while the other half (control) received neither the test nor the supplement.
No dose of vitamin D showed any effect on diagnosed acute respiratory tract infections or COVID-19 cases Confirmed by lateral flow test or RT-PCR during a six-month follow-up period. The number of adverse events was similar between groups, and no serious adverse events were attributed to the study dose.
second test The study, which was conducted in Norway between November 2020 and June 2021, used cod liver oil that contains omega-3 fatty acids along with low doses of vitamin D and vitamin A.
A total of 34,741 adults (ages 18 to 75) who were not using vitamin D supplements received either 5 mL of cod liver oil or 5 mL of a placebo (corn oil) daily for six months. The majority (86%) of the participants examined had adequate vitamin D levels at the start of the study.
one more time, Researchers have tested positive for acute respiratory infection or PCR-confirmed COVID-19. No effect of cod liver oil was found on, compared to placebo. The cod liver oil group had no more side effects than the placebo group and only minor side effects were reported.
The researchers point out that both tests have notable limitations. For example, in a UK trial, participants randomized to the active arms knew they were taking an active drug, and nearly half of the controls took a vitamin D supplement on at least one occasion during the trial. In the Norwegian trial, participants were relatively young and healthy, and most (when tested) had adequate vitamin D levels at the start of the study.
He said the findings should also be interpreted in the context of a highly effective vaccine, which was launched during both trials.
Even then, Both tests had several strengths, such as the use of RT-PCR tests. With swabs to confirm infection and high level of compliance among participants. The results are also in line with previous research that found no preventive effect of vitamin D on the risk of contracting COVID-19.
Taken together, these new results suggest that vitamin D supplementation does not reduce the risk of COVID-19 or other acute respiratory infections, the researchers say.
In a linked editorial, Professor Peter Bergmann of Sweden’s Karolinska Institute says that vaccination is the most effective way to protect people from COVID-19, and that Cod liver oil and vitamin D supplements should not be offered to healthy people with normal vitamin D levels.,
Instead, it suggests that doctors focus on risk groups, such as people of dark complexion or sun exposure, pregnant women, and the elderly with chronic diseases, who may be tested before administering supplements.
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