Now that we are well versed in counterfeit rapid antigen tests, what exactly is a rapid antigen test and when should it be used? I know firsthand there is plenty of confusion and misunderstanding regarding use and their accuracy. I have many patients who tell me they have taken multiple rapid tests in one day so they are certain they do not have COVID. Unfortunately, they have wasted multiple tests and it means nothing.
In discussing testing, I think it is important to clarify what a respiratory infection is. We are bombarded by patients who read the sign on the door that asks one not to enter if they have respiratory symptoms. Patients come right in and report nasal congestion and sore throat.
I finally started asking a few patients why they ignored the sign, or did they just not see it? I was surprised to find out that many think respiratory symptoms only pertain to bronchial or lungs, and not the nose and throat. To clarify, your respiratory system includes the nose, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.
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