In a new study, Cornell researchers found that nasopharyngeal swabs – taken from far back inside the nostril – were more effective at detecting COVID-19 than saliva tests or swabs just inside the nostril or under the tongue.
The researchers also found that detection rates were lower
BMC Infectious Diseases volume 22, Article number: 517 (2022 ) Cite this article
Blood cultures remain the gold standard investigation for the diagnosis of bloodstream infections. In
There is currently a multi-country outbreak of monkeypox in several regions of the world, the full extent and impact of which remains unclear. The overall goal of laboratory testing in this context is to enable timely and accurate confirmation of infection to support the breaking of chains of
Our editors handpick the products that we feature. We may earn commission from the links on this page.
Testing for Covid-19 is now a lot easier.
Covid-19 is everywhere, and public health experts have made it clear this virus isn’t going away anytime soon. Bec
Our editors handpick the products that we feature. We may earn commission from the links on this page.
Testing for Covid-19 is now a lot easier.
Covid-19 is everywhere, and public health experts have made it clear this virus isn’t going away anytime soon. Bec
A 20-second Covid test developed in Israel delivers results that are almost as good as the gold-standard PCR test – but at a fraction of the cost.
Like any over-the-counter antigen test, it uses a saliva sample, but is far more reliable, according to AI company Virusight Diagnostic.
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MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N.C. — As COVID-19 trends in Mecklenburg County show signs of plateauing, experts say the virus is here to stay, and there will continue to be periods of higher transmission.
Doctors say that means testing will r
Qosina offers a wide selection of high quality and economical single-use swabs, in addition to its extensive line of single-use components. These products can be used for countless applications in the medical, biological, chemical, pharmaceutical, optical, electronic, industrial, cosmetic, and
Anti-fog solutions have become widely available in the wake of mandatory face mask rules. Elias Visontay puts three popular products to the test
When the request went out for a “bespectacled guinea pig” to test if anti-fog treatments actually work when you wear a face mask, I was des
By CBS New York Team
June 9, 2022 / 6:57 AM / CBS New York
NEW YORK -- A children's nasal swab is being recalled because some products may contain harmful bacteria.
The company Buzzagogo is recalling its Allergy