A woman has been bashed online after she downplayed her fiancé's sibling's medical condition.
Published on Reddit's controversial r/AmITheA**hole forum, a sibling under the username u/MannyXXXVII shared their story and has received over 9,000 upvotes and 900 comments.
The original poster (OP) began their story by explaining that they have a medical condition called "impacted earwax" that's caused by swimmer's ear. They wrote that having ears "sucks." They explain they have "way too much ear wax" and they have to clean them out daily to prevent any pain. However, it is still uncomfortable for them.
"My older brother, Sebastian, has a fiancé, Tina, and they live in a room in our house that my mom rents to them," the OP said, "The other day, I guess Tina realized just how much I clean out my ears, and said, 'you really shouldn't have to clean them out that much, I feel like you're probably over exaggerating a little just for attention.'
"I told her I wasn't, and she said, 'Okay, well, I guess that your poor little ears are reason enough to waste money on q-tips so often.' I know it was petty, but I said, 'okay, I'm gonna go for 2 weeks without cleaning my ears. And every day, you have to take a picture of the inside of each, and see what happens.' and so her pact with the devil was made," they continued.
Tina gave in after five days as the sibling's ears were "leaking onto their shirt" and his "ears were on fire" because the ear drops they were using weren't working due to the excess ear wax. The OP admitted that they found it funny but Tina and Sebastian thought it was "petty and gross" and now call them the "waxy grubby creep."
Newsweek reached out to u/MannyXXXVII for comment.
Newsweek has published several articles regarding conflicts between family members including a woman who was praised for "embarrassing" her in-laws over an argument at a family dinner, a woman backed for leaving her baby niece with a stranger so she could go out with her friends and a family slammed over "harassing" a widow after their husband died of cancer.
Swimmer's ear, also known as otitis externa, is inflammation, irritation, or infection of your outer ear canal, according to Hopkins Medicine. Swimmer's ear can be caused by swimming in unclean water.
Other possible causes include being in warm or humid places, cleaning or scratching your ear canal using fingers or cotton swabs, having dry ear canal skin, having an object in your ear canal and having extra ear wax.
Swimmer's ear can be treated by keeping your ears dry, taking certain ear drops that help reduce swelling and kill bacteria and taking the medication provided by a health professional.
According to the CDC, to prevent swimmer's ear from occurring, keep the ears as dry as possible and use ear plugs or swim molds when swimming and pull the earlobe in different directions so water can exit the ear canal. If there is still water in the ear, use a hair dryer on the lowest heat to help the water disappear.
Q-tips, or cotton swabs, are a popular choice that people use to clean their ears. However, Q-tips can cause some earwax to be pushed against the medial canal and tympanic membrane, also known as the eardrum, and can impair one's hearing and can lead to painful infection, per verywellhealth.com.
"[Not the a**hole]. Tina needs to learn to mind her own bees earwax," u/StAlvis joked, receiving the top comment of over 16,000 upvotes.
U/TheDevilsAdvocxte exclaimed, "[Not the a**hole] I have the same thing!!!!!!! It is not comfortable at all and stop using Q tips! Q tips push the earwax further into the ear. You need to buy a kit off of amazon. I can't count how many times I went to the doctors and their like 'Dude your earwax is all the way down by your ear membrane'. Don't do it to yourself! Also you can professionally get your earwax removed as well. Though I don't recommend the professional for every time. It's easier to buy the kit and ignore them. They don't know the struggle."
"[Not the a**hole] and you've been given very important information. Tina is a pot stirrer, and someone who will use the ole 'you are attention seeking' for legitimate concerns you have. She's actually given you a gift. When she starts to behave the same way again, you get to say, "haven't we already been down this road before?" and just look right at her face. Don't look away. Don't flinch, nothing. She should have the spidy sense to NOT want to look foolish again, and will probably leave you alone. The thing is, you need to be ready for it," u/PerkyLurkey said.
U/sassynickles commented, "[Not the a**hole]. Tina's a jerk, and it's not even her concern. What, was she afraid the family fortune was being blown on q-tips?"
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